, , , , Personalized Pain management by Anti- Inflammatory drugs. Why is it necessary?


Personalized Pain management by Anti- Inflammatory drugs. Why is it necessary?


Personalized Pain management by Anti- Inflammatory drugs. Why is it necessary?


Anti Inflammatory Medicines
Anti Inflammatory Medicines 

Around the world, pain disorders are the main cause of disability. Despite this, the effectiveness of treatments varies from person to person, and some have a high risk of abuse. The goal of personalized pain medicine, an emerging field, is to provide safe and efficient medications that are catered to specific patient requirements. Globally, 1.71 billion people live with a condition connected to pain or the musculoskeletal system. These include osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and lower back discomfort. Such situations are associated with worsening mental health and wellbeing indicators, rising absence from work, and decreased productivity.

The severity of the discomfort determines the available treatments. Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, can be used to treat milder forms of pain. In the event that these medications are ineffective, doctors may recommend NSAIDs like celecoxib, steroid medications like dexamethasone, or muscle relaxants like diazepam. In addition to these, doctors may prescribe opioids for short-term use, such as oxycodone, fentanyl, and codeine.

Although each of these medications is frequently used to treat pain, their diverse side effects and safety profiles have motivated both patients and researchers to look for more specialized therapy choices.

Pain Medicines
Pain Medicines 


The pain management treatments we have now are practically universal. The majority of pain is treated with NSAIDs or opioids, according to Dr. Cynthia Renn, professor of pain and translational symptom research at the University of Maryland. "There haven't been any really transformative analgesic advancements" since the discovery of opioids.


The effectiveness of NSAIDs and opioids in treating different types of pain varies. Given that two persons with seemingly the same injury experience pain differently, some recover fast with little discomfort while others go on to develop chronic pain, we know that the one-size-fits-all strategy doesn't work for everyone, she noted.

Dr. Kevin Boehnke, a study investigator in the Department of Anesthesiology and the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan, gave two main reasons when asked why some analgesics may work in some people but not others. He mentioned "genetics and metabolism" as the first. People metabolize medications at various rates, he said. When administered to person A, a slow metabolizer, compared to person B, a rapid metabolizer, the same dose of the drug may last longer and have more intense effects.

He continued by saying that because different pains have different underlying processes, they also demand diverse therapies. He claimed there are three "flavors" of pain.

1.        Neuropathic pain is brought on by nerve damage, impingement, or inflammation in conditions like sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome.

2.        Nociceptive pain is brought on by tissue damage or inflammation, such as a burn or broken bone.

3.        Researchers believe that nociplastic pain, which cannot be observed through imaging, may be brought on by central nervous system failure. It encompasses ailments like fibromyalgia and is characterized by widespread discomfort throughout the body.

Pain Medications
Pain Medications 


 In general, these pain types can occur separately or in combination, and they respond to treatments in varied ways. For instance, NSAIDs are frequently helpful for nociceptive pain but aren't very helpful for nociplastic pain, according to Dr. Boehnke. Nano Medicines are the way forward to customize pain management. 

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