, , , , Personal Protective Equipment's- COVID-19 Protection


Personal Protective Equipment's- COVID-19 Protection



Personal Protective Equipments
Personal Protective Equipment

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has put an excessive strain on healthcare systems across the world, causing a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE). Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) is meant to be a precious commodity for health personnel to protect them against infections and hence has paramount importance when we are talking about the safety associated with the Health care workers fighting as front line workers against the pandemic. 

Personal Protective Equipments

The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and therefore the virus has now spread to many countries and territories especially in Pakistan. During the present situation, the protection of health care providers is very important. Precautions are necessary to halt the potential spread of COVID-19 among health care providers. The prevention of the spread of infection to and from medical personnel solely lies in the effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, face masks, air-purifying respirators, goggles, face shields, respirators, and gowns. The rampant nature of COVID-19 has created a shortage of PPE in high-demand areas. The abrupt increase in the demand for PPE has to be met with accelerated manufacturing and supply of PPE. Many healthcare systems are failing to provide PPE due to financial or time constraints. There have been multiple reports of Health Care Workers protesting about the lack of appropriate PPE, and instances of doctors and other healthcare staff being forced into working without this precious commodity. One of the most substantial strategies to protect both patients and Health care workers from transmittable pathogens is the adequate use of PPE as more doctors faced discrimination in receiving PPE, and the reuse of PPE was reported by the doctors in these hospitals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the essential supplies of PPE include gowns, gloves, masks or respirators, goggles, face shields, head cover, and rubber boots are essential for combating against COVID as COVID-19 is primarily transmitted by contact or droplet and its definite cure has not been discovered yet, the only significant and emotive subject for the Health care workers is PPE.

Keeping in view and Due to increasing COVID 19 incidences Pakistan Lions Youth with Financial support of DAI planned to distribute the PPEs in two major Hospitals of South Punjab including Bahawalpur Victoria Hospital in Bahawalpur and Nishtar Hospital Multan with coordination of district management and key opinion leaders on COVID 19. 

The Deputy Commissioner of both districts was invited as Chief Guest of the activities. The chief executive officer, Medical Superintendent, Principal, and District Health Officers from the Health department are the guests of the activities. 

PLYC team also disseminate the messages to highlight the project through the standees and banners during the activities.

Personal Protective Equipments


Partner Name:

Pakistan Lions Youth Council

Activity Name:

PPE items Distribution Ceremony


Hayat Zafar Auditorium, Nishter Multan

Date Of Activity:


No of Participants:



Personal Protective Equipments
Personal Protective Equipments


Pakistan Lions Youth Council with support of DAI Azme Pakistan conducted the Personal Protection Items Equipment (PPEs) distribution ceremony in Hayat Zafar Auditorium Nishter Multan. Additional Deputy Commissioner Mr. Qamar Ul Zaman Qaisrani and Nishter Hospital management along with religious leaders, government officials, media representatives, elected representatives civil society members, and other stakeholders participated in the ceremony. The Stakeholders who were engaged in the project implementation highlighted the theme of the project and appreciated the efforts of DAI and PLYC in playing their roles for effectively and efficiently prevention of COVID_19 at crucial times. District Government and Nishter hospital management thanked DAI and PLYC for providing the Personal Protection Equipment which was needed for the patients attending the hospital and they ensured their utmost cooperation and support for the implementation of the project in the future. PLYC team followed defined SOP’s by the Government of Pakistan and ensured for all the participants of the ceremony to adopt these SOPs.


 “Mr. Qamar ul Zaman Qaisrani (Additional Deputy Commissioner General), while speaking at the event express his gratitude for PLYC as well as Dai Azme Pakistan for provision of the PPEs to the Nishter Hospital Multan. He added that these PPEs were given to the front line health workers fighting the pandemic and this provision will certainly contribute towards governments efforts to combat COVID19 in Multan District. This PPEs provision will certainly working relationship of the district government and all stakeholders who are contributing towards fighting against the pandemic in district Multan. In the end, he appreciated efforts of PLYC and DAI Azme Pakistan for their effective contribution to support the district government efforts to aid local communities in Multan against the pandemic. He also said that this project has good impacts on the lives of the people. These types of projects must be implemented among the community for the grandeur awareness and lasting impacts.”

Personal Protective Equipments
Personal Protective Equipments



Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ijaz Masood (Vice Chancellor NMU Multan) gave his good remarks about the project and ceremony. He said that based on the available evidence, the COVID-19 virus is transmitted between people through close contact and droplets, not by transmission mechanism. The people most at risk of infection are those who are in close contact with a COVID-19 patient or who care for COVID-19 patients. Preventive and mitigation measures are key. The most effective preventive measures within the community include:

  • Ø  Performing hand hygiene frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty or with soap and water if hands are dirty;
  • Ø  Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;
  • Ø  Practicing respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into a bent elbow or tissue and then immediately disposing of the tissue;
  • Ø  Wearing a medical mask if you have respiratory symptoms and performing hand hygiene after disposing of the mask;
  • Ø  Maintaining social distance (a minimum of 1 metre) from persons with respiratory symptoms.

Additional precautions are required by health care workers to guard themselves and stop transmission within the healthcare setting. Precautions to be implemented by health care workers caring for patients with COVID-19 include using PPE appropriately; this involves selecting proper PPE and being trained in the way to put on, remove, and dispose of it. PPE is only one effective measure within a package of administrative and environmental and engineering controls, as described in WHO’s Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory infections in health care. In the end, he appreciated the efforts of PLYC and DAI Azme Pakistan for provision of the relief goods to Nishter hospital Multan in fighting against the pandemic. 

Personal Protective Equipments

Personal Protective Equipments


Partner Name:

Pakistan Lions Youth Council

Activity Name:

PPE Items Distribution Ceremony


District Council Hall Bahawalpur

Date Of Activity:


No of Participants:

79 (Male 63 & female 16)

Personal Protective Equipments
Personal Protective Equipments


Pakistan Lions Youth Council with support of DAI conducted the Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs) distribution ceremony in District Council Hall Bahawalpur on dated 12th Jan 2021. Deputy Commissioner Mr. Muzaffar Khan Sial, Additional Deputy Commissioner Mr. Amir Khichi, CEO Health (Dr. Jahanzaib) along with religious leaders, government officials, media representatives, elected representatives civil society members and other community members participated in the ceremony. The participants/stakeholders who were engaged in the project implementation highlighted the theme of the project and appreciated the efforts of DAI and PLYC in playing their role for the prevention of COVID_19 in crucial time. District Government and MS Civil Hospital management thanked DAI and PLYC for providing the Personal Protection Equipment’s which were needed for the patients attending the hospital and they ensured their utmost cooperation and support for the implementation of the project in future. PLYC team followed defined SOP’s by Government of Pakistan and ensured for all the participants of the ceremony to adopt these SOP’s.

Precious Thoughts of Additional Deputy Commissioner Bahawalpur:

Additional Deputy Commissioner Bahawalpur Mr. Amir Khichi addressed that Health workers are at the front line of any outbreak response and as such are exposed to hazards that put them at risk of infection with an outbreak like COVID-19. The protection of health care providers and health facilities are particularly important. Precautions are necessary to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19 among health care providers and health facilities including general community; however, care must also be taken to avoid stigmatizing People exposed to the virus. It is important to remember that COVID-19 does not differentiate between borders, ethnicities, disability status, age or gender. Health care settings should continue to be welcoming, respectful, inclusive, and supportive environments to all. Measures taken by health care providers can prevent the entry and spread of COVID-19 by Health staff who may have been exposed to the virus, while minimizing disruption and protecting them and community from discrimination.


Mr. Muzaffar Khan Sial Deputy Commissioner Bahawalpur while speaking at the event emphasized that Government is trying at their level best to protect the front line health workers from the Pandemic as they are the army of the nation against the deadly disease and putting their hearts out in serving the effected communities for their speedy recovery from the deadly disease. He appreciated efforts of the private sector especially civil society organizations in augmenting government efforts to combat COVID-19 and he also said this this provision of the PPEs to the District government Bahawalpur will further strengthen the partnership of the district government and community leaders and enabling the district government to present a united front against the divisive belief based narrative of COVID-19 prevalent in the region and eventually leading to increased future planning and investment of the government in CVE initiatives.  

Personal Protective Equipments

Personal Protective Equipments


In the end, Dr. Qaiser Javaid (Executive Director PLYC) thanked all the participants for their precious time in making the event a successful. He added that the distribution of these essential PPE is of paramount importance for health workers as the country comes to grips with the recent spike in confirmed COVID-19 cases. It cannot be stressed enough how crucial it is for our health workers to be well protected as they carry out their work during this very difficult time so we are extremely thankful to our donor DAI Azme Pakistan and USAID for the partnership and making it possible for PLYC to execute this successful distribution ceremonies. 

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